Wordle Hints & Tips

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Today's Gentle Hints

Today's Clues

This word means to arrive at a particular point or to stretch out your arm to touch or grab something.
It contains two vowels and three consonants.
The middle letter of this word appears only once.
The word starts with the 18th letter of the English alphabet.
It's a common verb often used when discussing goals or destinations.
This word can be synonymous with 'attain' or 'achieve.'
It is of Middle English origin, derived from the Old English word 'rǣcan.'
This word is fairly average in difficulty compared to other Wordle words.

Statistical Analysis

Based on previous Wordle answers:

  • Most common first letters: S, C, B, T, P
  • Most common vowels: A, E, I
  • Average word difficulty: Medium

Yesterday's Solution

Yesterday's Word: ICING

    It's a sweet, creamy topping commonly found on cakes.
    This word contains two vowels and three consonants.
    The letter 'I' appears twice in this word.
    It starts with the letter 'I' and ends with the letter 'G'.
    In sports, especially hockey, this term refers to a specific rule violation.
    This word is often used as a noun in culinary contexts.
    It shares its ending with words like 'sing' and 'bring'.
    This word is somewhat less common as a Wordle answer due to its unique ending.

Wordle Strategy Guide

Best Starting Words

Choose words with common letters like STARE, ADIEU, or CRANE to maximize your chances.

Letter Frequency

The most common letters in English words are E, A, R, I, O, T, N, S, L, C.

Vowel Strategy

Try to identify vowels early as most Wordle words contain at least two vowels.

Recent Wordle Answers

About Wordle Hints

We provide daily hints and tips for Wordle players who want a little guidance without spoiling the puzzle. Our hints are carefully crafted to maintain the challenge while helping you develop better solving strategies.

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